What is this?

Old age is by nature more loquacious

Welcome to my little website. Material will come in four categories, mostly.

I am playing through the 700 or so LPs in my record collection. I will post some information on them, hoping to find someone who cares. Ultimately I want them to go to a good home. I will talk some about the history of music and the last 50 years. And I want to talk mix tapes. For example, I am saving songs about outmoded technology–phone operators, long-distance information, busy signals. There is so much.

I am trying to use up or wear out the stuff I own. T-shirts, ballpoint pens, coffee mugs: Too much stuff. I’ll rejoice when another AYSO coach shirt bites the dust, sharing that here.

I know many things, and lots of things on the innertubes are wrong. Gone are the days when I’d stay up late to correct people, but sometimes I will be provoked to straighten things out here. The day after Thanksgiving I saw multiple stories about how encouraging it was that folks went out in inflationary times to spend money. I have lived in times of inflation, so I can tell you that only a fool puts off buying something when prices are going up faster than what your savings account pays.

And black lyrics matter. There are many web sites that have the lyrics of popular songs. I believe that voice-to-text software produces the content (plus taking from other sites). The lyrics sung by black performers are frequently wrong. Fish Ain’t Bitin’ by Lamont Dozier has the best description of Richard Nixon’s anti-inflation programs (with Phase Two, I thought I was through/and Phase Four gonna take me out the back door). Yet the line that’s “trying to fight with no defense” gets turned into “trying to find with no defense,” whatever that would be. I will correct what I come across.

Be cheerful on Thanksgiving

One song we play on Thanksgiving at our house. Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3. Love the cowbell. Being cheerful is good.

“Some of Buddy Holly”–I like most of Buddy Holly, and I still think that line is funny.

I am a blockhead myself, I realize–I called him Ian Drury for years.

The following song is a cliché on Thanksgiving, but sometimes you can’t do better than a cliché.

The clips with some action don’t sound as good. The song is as funny as it ever was. Warning: It contains a word for “homosexual man” that is mean-spirited and demeaning, but not considered unacceptable at the time.

Please pardon me for missing Thanksgiving.