Vida Blue died

If you weren’t following baseball in 1971, you might not believe the season Blue had. 39 starts, 24-8 record, 24 complete games, 8 shutouts, 301 strikeouts, 9 WAR. [Speaking of great seasons by a lefty, I have a Yogi story. Berra explained why he was skeptical that Koufax was 25-5 in 1963. After trying to hit Koufax in the World Series, he said he understood the 25 wins, it was the 5 losses he couldn’t see.]

Blue had a great name. I heard some people call him the Blue Blazer (with silver buttons, I presumed). Vida Yellow is a thoroughbred race horse. The announcer said the first word as if it were Spanish; the horse was livin’ the yellow life, whatever that would mean. Me, I say if you mix Vida Blue and Vida Yellow you get Vida Green.

I admire people who overcome drug addiction. Rest in peace, Vida.

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