Running, Jumping, Standing Still, Spider John Koerner and Willie Murphy, Elektra, 1969

Koerner died May 18. He was 85. An obit said that when people asked him about his helping Bob Dylan and Bonnie Raitt on their way up while remaining obscure himself, he said it just wasn’t in his character to chase after fame.

When Bob Dylan got to Minneapolis in the early ‘60s, he sought out Koerner, an established performer. They played often as a duo. Koerner then worked with Dave Ray and Tony Glover. They put out Blues, Rags, and Hollers. John Lennon said it was one of his favorites.

This record, with Willie Murphy, was well received. Bonnie Raitt recorded one of these songs on her first album in 1971. Elektra wanted Koerner and Murphy to tour and make another album. Murphy said later that when Koerner thought about riding around the country in a van with band members and equipment, he decided to go to Denmark and make movies. When that didn’t pan out, he came back to the U.S. in time to see folk music crater. He performed, updated Blues, Rags, and Hollers, and put out new music from time to time until 2019.

The advice from this record I took to heart: When in danger/when in doubt/run in circles/scream and shout. And don’t let the bastards wear you down/Don’t get hassled to a frazzle.